To receive this gift, be sure to:
- leave a comment on this post, with your name
- select your preferred style and size from catalogue HERE
- tell us why you like what you have selected
- entry will be open till today 11pm (SG time)
(only comments posted before this time will be considered for the giveaway)
- 1 winner will be randomly selected, results will be announced on Lollipop Days tomorrow
* Christmas Giveaway is only open to our readers with a Singapore mailing address.
(only comments posted before this time will be considered for the giveaway)
- 1 winner will be randomly selected, results will be announced on Lollipop Days tomorrow
* Christmas Giveaway is only open to our readers with a Singapore mailing address.
my sweetie pie wld like to hv her 1st lavender shoe with butterfuly (12-18mos). It will definetly look sweet & fashionable on her little feet.
Can my baby Ashley have a pair of White Shoe with Pink Leaves (6-12m)?
I wish my girl will be someone who loves the nature and animals, hopping she is able to learn about them through sight and sound around her and even the clothing that she is wearing. I am still a daddy-in-progress who is learning with her at the same time.
I'm a 15 months old (mumma's cutie pie) girl. I would like to have a pair of White Shoe with Pink Leaves (Size 12-18 Mths).
This is absolutely adorable as it's as natural a shoe as possible. What best I can get which even compliements my organic clothing?
I love the things which are natural.
I believe Daisy Roots footwear lived up to it's name. ^^. . .Hope my bao bei gal got the chance to become the proud owner of the yummylicious looking design of Cupcake (12-18Months). =P
Would like to hv a pair of white shoe with pink leaves (12-18mos).
The design of the shoes will definitely make my girl look good & trendy. She will sure feel pround wearing it out during cny visit... =))
my little Keith would like to have a pair of RUGBY shoe (6-12mths) for his 1st X'mas present!!! He will definitely be happy to have this pair of shoe that will be able to show off to everybody how nice the shoe matches him. Yesh!!!
Tractor on Navy (size12-18mth)is sure a pair of shoe that suits my little boy. The design & comfort will sure pleased my little boy with a big SMILE on his face. (",)
Oh wow, Daisy Roots shoes are gorgeous. My little 14months old girl will definitely love to have them! She absolutely adores shoes. The Flowers Dark Pink shoe will definitely compliment her. :)
Merry Christmas!
Mummy jessie & little Linda
My boy loves Tractor on Navy (size12-18mth). I'm sure he'll show off his new shoes, exclaiming 美美 to everyone he sees! =D
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